Τετάρτη 20 Ιουνίου 2018

Clash Royale | Balance Changes Old & New Comparison for the June Update

Balance Update
Giant Snowball: Damage increased 110 ⟶ 127 (45 to towers)
Royal Hogs: Health increased 600 ⟶ 695
Clone/Heal: Radius increased 3 ⟶ 4
Minions/Minion Horde: Added 0.15sec Deploy Time between each Minion
Barbarian Barrel: Area Damage +17%, Barbarian spawn location visible
Mirror: Will no longer appear in opening hand
Magic Archer (bug fix): Will no longer extend his range and accidentally wake up the King
Rascals: No changes (yet)
Jump/Dash Minimum Range: Standardized to 3.5
  • Mega Knight: 4 ⟶ 3.5
  • Bandit: 3.5 ⟶ 3.5 (no change)
Charge Up Distance: Standardized to 3.5
  • Battle Ram: 4 ⟶ 3.5
  • Prince: 2.5 ⟶ 3.5
  • Dark Prince: 2.5 ⟶ 3.5
Buildings (bug fix): Will no longer occasionally stop shooting at the edge of their range